• Reports

People-Centered Access to Justice Research: A Global Perspective


From Justice Data Observatory:

Around the world, civil justice problems are ubiquitous. In every studied society, these problems affect every group, and they fall most heavily on marginalized groups, such as low-income communities, or groups that are minoritized around their religion, ethnicity, race, sexuality, gender, or disability (World Justice Project 2019). These issues affect core areas of life, including the ability to make a dignified living, to have a safe and healthy place to live, and to care for dependents. Over
the past two decades, a research literature has developed that offers a new lens on civil justice issues and their impacts. This work centers the justice experiences
of ordinary people, rather than the structure or staffing of justice institutions, the elements of legal families, or the content of laws themselves. This growing body
of empirical research supports a shift in policy and practice toward justice that is people-centered, or designed to be accessible, proportionate, and focused on the
outcomes people experience when they face civil justice problems (OECD 2021).