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Discounting Life: Necropolitical Law, Culture and the Long War on Terror

Fall 2024

Researching Law, Vol. 33, No. 1

In this edition of Researching Law, Jothie Rajah, a Research Professor at the American Bar Foundation, discusses her recent book Discounting Life: Necropolitical Law, Culture, and the Long War on Terror, at the ABF Fellow’s Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Seminar at the 2023 Annual Meeting of the ABA in Denver, Colorado. Discounting Life views law through an interdisciplinary lens to “perceive how law’s compound meanings have been represented, reconfigured, and globalized” during the long War on Terror, discounting lives taken and persons injured and traumatized as “collateral damage.”

Judy Perry Martinez, former ABA President and World Justice Project Vice President; Will A. Gunn, General Counsel and Vice President for Legal Affairs at the Legal Services Corporation and former Chief Defense Counsel of the DoD Office of Military Commissions; and George Freeman, Executive Director of the Media Law Resource Center; joined Rajah for a panel discussion about her book’s arguments and conclusions. Jimmy Goodman, ABF President and Director of Crowe & Dunlevy, moderated this robust and timely discussion of issues important to national and international justice and the Rule of Law.