Exploring where law, society and culture meet.
For over 70 years, we’ve conducted rigorous, groundbreaking research used worldwide to help ensure that the law embodies principles like dignity, fairness and justice.
Learning and Practicing Law
Advancing research on legal education and practice, the ABF investigates how the law is practiced both in legal and non-legal settings, including a focus on legal careers and the evolving paths of legal professionals.
Protecting Rights and Accessing Justice
Innovative research through the ABF examines the roles that laws have around the world, with a special focus on protecting vital rights and the ways that people from different communities can access the justice system.
Making and Implementing Law
The ABF analyzes the diverse ways laws are created and practiced in the U.S. and around the world, not just by legal professionals, but also by those who enforce the law and put it into action.
Recent Research Publications
Displaying 12 Results Out of 284
- Articles
Tenant Screening in an Era of Mass Incarceration: A Criminal Record is No Crystal Ball
March 2015
Anna Reosti, Merf Ehman and
- Books
Transnational Legal Orders
February 2015
Terence Halliday and Gregory Shaffer
- Newsletters
We Want What's Ours: Learning from South Africa's Land Restitution Process
Winter 2015
- Chapters
Crime: Whitecollar
January 2015
Susan P. Shapiro
- Reports
After the JD III: Third Results from a National Study of Legal Careers
Ronit Dinovitzer, Bryant Garth, Robert L. Nelson, Rebecca L. Sandefur, Gabriele Plickert, Joyce Sterling and David B. Wilkins
- Chapters
When Life Imitates Art: Surrogate Decision Making at the End of Life
December 2014
Susan P. Shapiro
- Newsletters
Accessing Justice in the Contemporary USA: Findings from the Community Needs and Services Study
Fall 2014
Rebecca L. Sandefur
- Books
Making the Modern American Fiscal State: Law, Politics, and the Rise of Progressive Taxation, 1877-1929
September 2014
Ajay K. Mehrotra, and Ajay K. Mehrotra
- Reports
Accessing Justice in the Contemporary USA: Findings from the Community Needs and Services Study
August 2014
Rebecca L. Sandefur
- Articles
Devolving the Carceral State: Race, Prisoner Reentry, and the Micro-Politics of Urban Poverty Management
July 2014
Reuben Jonathan Miller
- Newsletters
Analyzing Carnegie's Reach: The Contingent Nature of Innovation
Summer 2014
- Articles
Does the Constitutional Amendment Rule Matter at All? Amendment Cultures and the Challenges of Measuring Amendment Difficulty
May 2014
Tom Ginsburg and James Melton