Learning and Practicing Law
ABF researchers explore all aspects of legal education, from the financing of law schools to diversity and inclusion in the legal academy. Working on one of our fundamental research projects, After the JD researchers continue to mine our unique data set on the career trajectory and satisfaction of legal professionals.
Recent Research Publications
Displaying 12 Results Out of 92
- Articles
Political Participation and the Criminal Justice System
September 2016
Traci Burch
- Chapters
Combining Methods for a New Synthesis in Law and Empirical Research
May 2016
Elizabeth Mertz, Katherine Barnes and Elizabeth Mertz
- Books
Diversity in Practice: Race, Gender, and Class in Legal and Professional Careers
April 2016
Robert L. Nelson, Ronit Dinovitzer, Spencer Headworth and David B. Wilkins
- Articles
Organizations and the Democratic Representation of Interests: What Does It Mean When Those Organizations Have No Members?
December 2015
Traci Burch, Kay Lehman Schlozman, Philip Edward Jones, Hye Young You, Sidney Verba and Henry E. Brady
- Books
Tort Reform, Plaintiff's Lawyers, and Access to Justice
June 2015
Stephen Daniels, Joanne Martin and Stephen Daniels
- Reports
After the JD III: Third Results from a National Study of Legal Careers
Ronit Dinovitzer, Bryant Garth, Robert L. Nelson, Rebecca L. Sandefur, Gabriele Plickert, Joyce Sterling and David B. Wilkins
- Newsletters
Analyzing Carnegie's Reach: The Contingent Nature of Innovation
Summer 2014
- Newsletters
The Fellows CLE Seminar: A Profession in Crisis? New Results from the After the JD Study of Lawyers Careers
Spring 2014
Ronit Dinovitzer
- Articles
Analyzing Carnegie's Reach: The Contingent Nature of Innovation
May 2014
Stephen Daniels, Martin Katz, William Sullivan and Stephen Daniels
- Articles
Crises, Crisis Rhetoric, and Competition in Legal Education: A Sociological Perspective on the (Latest) Crisis of the Legal Profession and Legal Education
Bryant Garth
- Articles
Buyers' Remorse? An Empirical Assessment of the Desirability of a Legal Career
November 2013
Bryant Garth, Ronit Dinovitzer and Joyce Sterling
- Articles
Hierarchical Structure and Gender Dissimilarity in American Legal Labor Markets
October 2013
Ronit Dinovitzer, John Hagan and John Hagan