William H. J. Hubbard
  • Research Professor
Joint Appointment
Harry N. Wyatt Professor of Law at University of Chicago Law School
Ph.D. in Economics, University of Chicago
J.D. University of Chicago Law School
B.A. and M.A. in Economics, University of California

William H. J. Hubbard

  • Research Professor
ABF Researcher

William H. J. Hubbard (he/him) is the Harry N. Wyatt Professor of Law at the University of Chicago Law School. His current research involves economic analysis of litigation, courts, and civil procedure. His empirical research has studied courts in the United States, Taiwan, and India. He is currently completing a book on the Supreme Court of India with coauthors Aparna Chandra and Sital Kalantry. 

Previously, he was a Kauffman Legal Research Fellow and Lecturer in Law at the University of Chicago Law School. From 2001 to 2006, he practiced law as a litigation associate at Mayer Brown LLP in Chicago, where he specialized in commercial litigation, electronic discovery, and appellate practice. Hubbard currently serves as editor of the Journal of Legal Studies and sits on the boards of the Society for Empirical Legal Studies and Law and Development Review. He also serves as the University of Chicago Law School Diversity Committee Chair.

His work has appeared in many journals, including University of Chicago Law Review, Common Market Law Review, and American Law and Economic Law Review. He has also published his own casebook, titled Civil Procedure: An Integrated Approach, intended to provide law students a strong command of doctrine.  

Research Focus

Economic analysis of litigation, courts, and civil procedures.