• Research Professor
Joint Appointment
Nathaniel L. Nathanson Professor of Law at Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law
Ph.D., Social Psychology, University of Illinois
J.D. University of California, Berkeley School of Law
B.A. Cornell University

Janice Nadler

  • Research Professor
ABF Researcher

Janice Nadler (she/her) is a Research Professor at the American Bar Foundation and the Nathaniel L. Nathanson Professor of Law at Northwestern Pritzker School of Law. Before joining the ABF as a Research Professor, she was an American Bar Foundation Doctoral Fellow from 1998 to 2000.  

Nadler’s scholarship and teaching focuses mainly on the intersection of law and psychology. Her current projects include the influence of emotionally evocative and gruesome visual evidence can have on the psychology of jurors’ decision-making processes, as well as how public opinion is shaped in reaction to corporate adoption of practices that are the subject of political contestation.  

Her research has appeared in journals such as Northwestern Journal of Law & Social Policy, Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, and Oxford Handbook on Law and Language.  

Research Focus

Psychology and law, with focuses on compliance with the law; perceptions of responsibility and fairness; and animal protection in food regulation.