John Saxon, Alabama Life Fellow, was announced as the White House Fellows Foundation and Association (WHFFA) recipient of the 2022 John Gardner Legacy of Leadership Award. This is the highest award presented by the WHFFA and Mr. Saxon will be presented with the award at the Annual Leadership Conference in Washington D.C., on October 20th, 2022.
The award is named for John Gardner, who was President Lyndon B. Johnson’s Secretary of Health, Education, & Welfare, who proposed the program to President Johnson. As the first Fellow selected from Alabama, he joined the 14th class of Fellows and was placed in the White House as a Special Assistant to Vice President Walter F. Mondale.
Saxon is currently a sole practitioner in Birmingham, Alabama, where his practice focuses on employment law. In addition to being a Fellow of the ABF, he is a Fellow of the Alabama Law Foundation and a Life Fellow of the Birmingham Bar Foundation. He is also a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers, past Chairman of the Labor and Employment section of the Alabama State Bar and was the first chairman of the federal practice section of the Birmingham Bar Association.
Read more about the White House Fellows here.