2024 March New York Fellows Virtual Event

Please join the New York State Co-Chairs, Vince Chang and Adrienne Koch for a virtual presentation by ABF Research Professor, Robert L. Nelson.
Complimentary Zoom Event, register to receive Zoom link.
12:30-1:30 PM ET
“The Making of Lawyers’ Careers: Inequality and Opportunity in the American Legal Profession”
This program will present material from the capstone book of the ABF’s After the JD project, “The Making of Lawyers’ Careers: Inequality and Opportunity in the American Legal Profession” by Nelson, Dinovitzer, Garth, Sterling, Wilkins, Dawe, and Michelson (University of Chicago Press 2023). The book presents a definitive study of lawyers’ careers based on 20 years of research on a national sample of lawyers who passed the bar in 2000. It follows these lawyers through a combination of survey data and in-depth interviews that show how lawyers make meaning in their personal and professional lives. Although all American lawyers belong to one profession, the book demonstrates that there are deep divisions by client type and practice setting and that women and lawyers of color continue to face barriers to equal opportunity.