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March 18 @ 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm EDT

2025 March New York Fellows Virtual Event

Registration Now Open!

Please join the New York State Co-Chairs, Vince Chang and Adrienne Koch for a virtual presentation by ABF Research Professor Emeritus, Terence Halliday.

Complimentary Zoom Event, register to receive Zoom link.

12:30-1:30 PM ET

“Looking Back, Looking Forward: China’s Rights Lawyers and Us”

For 20 years the ABF has underwritten research on one of the great rights’ struggles of our times—the fight for basic legal freedoms by China’s criminal defense and rights lawyers. Based on Professor Halliday’s longstanding ties with many leading lawyers, he look back to describe how they worked in the dark underbelly of China as counsel of last resort, how they have suffered for their heroic activism, what hope now remains ten years after the brutal 709 Crackdown in 2015 on hundreds of rights lawyers, and what we and the international community can do now to enable them to continue to fight the good fight.