ABF Newsletter: Researching Law
Researching Law is a newsletter designed to acquaint a wide audience with the research activities of the American Bar Foundation. The articles contained in this publication present the findings of ABF research projects in a short, non-technical format. Researching Law is written and edited by the ABF’s communications team.
Displaying 12 Results Out of 54
- Newsletters
Asian Legal Revivals: Lawyers in the Shadow of Empire
Spring 2010
- Newsletters
Achieving Diversity on the Jury: Jury Size and the Peremptory Challenge
Winter 2010
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The Center on Law and Globalization
Fall 2009
Terence Halliday
- Newsletters
The Summer Research Diversity Fellowship Program
Summer 2009
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New Results from After the JD, II: Seven Years into a Lawyer's Career
Spring 2009
Bryant Garth
- Newsletters
Darfur and the Crime of Genocide
Winter 2009
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The World Justice Forum: Global Perspectives on the Rule of Law
Fall 2008
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The Cambridge History of Law in America
Summer 2008
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Uncertain Justice: Litigating Claims of Employment Discrimination in the Contemporary U.S.
Spring 2008
Robert L. Nelson
- Newsletters
The Claims of Kinfolk: African American Property and Community in the 19th Century South
Winter 2008
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The Language of Law School: Learning to 'Think Like a Lawyer'
Fall 2007
- Newsletters
Death in Darfur: The Science of Human Rights, War Crimes, and Humanitarian Emergencies
Summer 2007