ABF Newsletter: Researching Law
Researching Law is a newsletter designed to acquaint a wide audience with the research activities of the American Bar Foundation. The articles contained in this publication present the findings of ABF research projects in a short, non-technical format. Researching Law is written and edited by the ABF’s communications team.
Displaying 12 Results Out of 54
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The Juice Isn't Worth the Squeeze: The Impact of Tort Reform on Plaintiffs' Lawyers and Access to Civil Justice
Spring 2013
- Newsletters
The Research Group on Legal Diversity of the American Bar Foundation
Winter 2013
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Henry Ford's War on Jews and the Legal Battle Against Hate Speech
Fall 2012
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Your Voice in the Future: The Role of Advance Directives Near the End of Life
Summer 2012
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Lawyers Structure and Power: A Tribute to John Heinz
Spring 2012
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Conceptions of Law During the Civil Rights Movement
Winter 2012
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Opening Doors to Inquiry: The Summer Research Diversity Fellowship Program
Fall 2011
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The Economics of Inequality: The Value of Early Childhood Education
Summer 2011
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What Defines Competence? A Debate on the Future(s) of Lawyering
Spring 2011
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Property Rights and the Demands of Transformation
Winter 2011
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Empirical Legal Research at the American Bar Foundation
Fall 2010
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The Social Costs of Incarceration
Summer 2010